February 20, 2009

Supporting Our Troops...?

As if there aren't enough things to worry about today. We have an abundance of reasonable complaints everyday thanks to our failing economy, our high crime rates, climbing unemployment rates, and the never-ending wars across the globe. You would *think* that people had enough to worry about besides publicly showing their horror and disgust at a downtown group doing something as unTHINKable as helping out our veterans.

That's right, folks. Horror of horrors. Someone has given housing to 23 VETERANS in downtown St. Louis. These veterans have fought for our country. We are told that they are heroes and that we should all gather around them and support them. They have given their time, strength, and freedom because that is what the government and it's people has asked from them. What do they get in return? Not much apparently, since many of them are homeless. Many of them have turned to drugs and alcohol to deal with the stressors they are faced with every day, in a country that told them they should be proud of their service then abandoned them. Yes, some of these men and women have problems. That doesn't make them bad people. Sometimes you get dealt a bad hand. Sometimes, someone comes in and offers you a second chance.

That is what is happening right now. A new development downtown has been established to help homeless veterans get back on their feet. The veterans are given housing and must adhere to "strict guidelines." This includes a drug-free lifestyle and keeping a job. This sounds like it should be a "feel good" story, does it not? My warm and fuzzy moment was cut-short by the following comment:

"We made major investments downtown," Don Wallace said. "I've got ten grandchildren that come downtown to visit with me and I'm concerned about them. There's a lot of concern and we need to address that."

Is it just me, or does anyone else hear Mila Kunis' character Jackie Burkhart from "That 70's Show" in their minds when reading that comment? In one episode she is talking to Hyde (Danny Masterson) and she is saying to him, "Of course you don't know any better. You grew up poor, and poor people are bad!"

Likewise, it seems that many business investors hear the word "homeless" and automatically believe that these veterans are drunk, dirty drug-dealers who don't deserve to live near their businesses. Maybe they think we should put them in vans and move them across the river to East St. Louis? Maybe we should move them to the north end of town and let them fend for themselves? Maybe these venues are more *fitting* for these men? After all, we can't have the grandkids of important businessmen seeing how we treat those who served their country!!! We can't let them know that sometimes the world isn't all roses and rainbows! What if one of these kids has to share a sidewalk with one of these men? Wouldn't that just be awful?!? Think of the implications! Oh, dear me what should we DO WITH THESE VETERANS?!?!

I'm sorry but this story just makes me ill. I hate it when people complain about something good and decent. Here is the link to the story. Maybe if enough of us leave our comments these business owners will get over themselves and see this program for what it is: An attempt to do the right thing and help out our fellow men and women in this crappy society.


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